Web Application Security Solution for Private Cloud

Virtualized deployment, dynamic elastic scaling, multi-tenant management How to achieve effective Web application security in private cloud environment.

Security Needs

Cloud computing technology makes IT infrastructure more complex, when users build various web application systems on private cloud, web applications can easily become the targets of attackers. Once attacked, the attacker can intrusion system step by step and eventually escape from the virtual machine and get the highest authority. Therefore, enterprises must pay more attention on web application protection in private cloud environment.

  • Virtualized Deployment
  • Flexible Resources
  • Standard Infrastructure
  • Unified Operation and Maintenance Management
  • Platform-Oriented Protection

Deployment Architecture

By fully investigating the web application protection needs of private cloud, based on rich service experience of various large enterprises in recent years, the next gen web application protection system based on SafeLine can meet the system deployment and security operation requirements.

SafeLine Cloud Environment Deployment Architecture

SafeLine fully considers the characteristics of cloud computing from its own architecture design. It decouples and componentizes traffic forwarding, threat detection, traffic analysis, and centralized management platform, supporting containerized distributed deployment, reserving various interfaces with the cloud management platform to facilitate rapid deployment of private clouds and meet various needs of various cloud service scenarios.

Service Mode

A Web security protection system based on SafeLine provides security protection services for cloud platform tenants in two architectural modes.

Multi-tenants service mode as SaaS provides administrators with web application protection capability for the whole network, which effectively supports to build an integrated protection system for private cloud users.

In IaaS mode, administrator can automatically deploy SafeLine by setting up the corresponding virtual host according to the tenant application needs. The tenant administrator is responsible for configuration management and security event operation of web application protection system.


A cloud service manufacturer

Construction demand:

Compatible with government cloud virtualization deployment requirements can be connected with government cloud management system to meet the needs of resource flexibility management and business data management, and provide efficient Web application security protection ability for government cloud users.


Construct and deliver a series of government cloud projects and provide a complete set of private cloud services including SafeLine for multiple government application websites.